Many people will only tell you who they are, I do that too in my About section, but it is also important to point out what I am not.

What I am not…
- Not an investment planner
- Not an attorney or accountant
- Not a simple order taker; I offer choice based on your budget
- Not married to any one company
- Not committed to a boss or a set salary or customer service rep
- Not a bank
- Not shareholder controlled
- Not a government agency
- Not corporate controlled by a board of shareholders
- Not subjected to GATT trade; keeping more jobs here at home
- Not a “Trust” yet, may use my products to fund it
- Not credit life; my mortgage life plans are priced reasonable with well-rated carriers
- Not mindless to your interest in keeping your income in secure long term plans
- Not new to the business, agent since 1993
- Not too far to visit your home or business, I will travel
- Not afraid to sell life carriers who cover the front line (Military, Police, Fire, Rescue)
- Not afraid to offer and submit clients who may have health issues like diabetes or old age
- Not CD or savings account representative
- Not giving false guarantees
- Not joking about anything above as it relates to you, your family, business, farm, and ability to provide a future for you and your loved ones
- Not going to take more than 5 minutes of your time unless you want to learn more
- Not hard to reach by appointment